Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Sims Freeplay | Ocean View Estate Quest

Level Unlocks | 9
Unlocks | Premium residence & real estate career
Time limit | 2 days
Prize | Beachside escape house

The Ocean View Estate quest unlocks at level 9 and gives you access to premium residences and the real estate career.  As usual, you must complete the previous quests before this one becomes available to you.  There is a time limit of 2 days on this quest which is relatively easy to achieve.  You can start baking the banana bread at the beginning of the quest if you'd like to save time as that takes 20 hours. (You do not need for it to come up as your next task in order to start it.)

If you'd like to watch me playing through the Ocean View Estate quest you can by clicking on the video.

Completing this quest gives access to Mysterious Island quest.



  2. There was a quest I didn't finish in time, can I still get the ocean view quest?

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