Seashell Collecting is a hobby which is completed at the beach. You must have completed the Life & Legacies quest to open the beach as you will need to use sporty life orbs to build the beach and begin the hobby.
Who can collect shells?
Toddlers and preteens
How do I collect shells?
Click on the pile of the shells on the beach. These will move around the beach depending on the time of day.
What are the shell collecting options?
Night (between 12am - 6am) - 10 mins
Dawn (between 6am - 12pm) - 1 hour
Noon (between 12pm - 6pm) - 2 hours
Dusk (between 6pm - 12am) - 3 hours
What are the shell collecting levels?
Unlike other hobbies, it doesn't seem to matter what level your Sim is when collecting the shells. The important thing with this hobby is the time of day.
- Amateur Beach Comber
- Competent Comber
- Avid Shell Collector
- Hermit Crab Evictor
- Conchologist
- Lord of the Conch
What shells are there to collect?
There are 6 shells to collect for each of the four times of day, which means 24 shells to collect in all.
Noon - Brightest Venus, Sunkissed Sea Snail, Midday Scallop, Golden Tibia, Magic Conch, Freckled Cowry
Night - Midnight Ark, Starlight Sea Snail, Blue Moon Scallop, Mystical Limpet, The Speaking Conch, Panter Black Cowry
Dusk - Crested Sun Clam, Sunset Spiral, Sundown Scallop, Days End Cone, Falling Golden Sky, Tigerstriped Cowry
Dawn - Sunrise Venus, Early Bird Paper Nautilus, Creeping Dawn Scallop, Twilight Periwinkle, Horn of Daybreak, Speckled Cowry
What do I win?
First time you complete the whole collection you unlock earrings for preteens found in the store in the accessories section and hats for toddlers found in the wardrobe in the hats section.
Further times you complete the collection you will win 6LPs
Here are the hats for the toddlers
Here are the hats and the shell earrings for the preteens