Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Sims Freeplay | Horse Vaulting Hobby

Who can take part in horse vaulting?  

What do I need for a Sim to be a horse vaulter?
You need to build the stables on the mysterious island first.  Once you have built the stables you will need to clear the 'horse tricks' and 'horse vaulting' areas.  You must complete the Horse Tricks hobby before you can start Horse Vaulting as completing Horse Tricks unlocks 2 star horses which are needed for vaulting.


What will I unlock?
When you complete the horse vaulting ribbon collection for the first time you will unlock level 3 horses.


What is the horse vaulting option?

There is only one option when vaulting and that is 'Vaulting' 4 hours 30 minutes
What are the horse vaulting levels?
  1. Horse Crasher
  2. Flailing Jellylegs
  3. Second Poser
  4. Stable Statue
  5. Poised Horse Master
  6. Horseback Gymnast
How do I collect horse vaulting ribbons?
Click on a horse at the stables and select horse vaulting. When the Sim has finished an exclamation mark appears, you need to click the '!', your Sim will complete a little trick and you will receive a ribbon.
What ribbons are there to collect?
Level 1 ribbons are:
Super side Hanger

Level 2 are:
Flag flyer
King of the mill

Level 3 are:
Scissor rider
Kick stander

Level 4 are:
Swing off

Level 5 are:
Horse surfer
High hoof

Level 6 are:
One hand fluke
The saddleless Sally
What do I win?
  • First time you complete the collection you unlock 3 star horses which are needed for showjumping
  • Second time and subsequent times you win 3 LPs

What if I can't find one of the ribbon?
You've just got to keep going! Collecting the ribbons is completely random and there is no special trick to collecting them quicker.


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