Once you complete the Life Dreams & Legacies quest everything changes for your Sims. You no longer control when they age up by baking a birthday cake and giving it them to age them up a life stage. Sims now automatically age as you play the game and as they complete actions. Let's look at this in more detail.
How long is each life stage?
This varies and really depends on how 'busy' your Sim is. If your Sim is constantly doing actions these are the rough times of each life stage.
- Baby - 24 hours
- Toddler - 3 days
- Preteen - 5 days
- Teenager - 8 days
- Adult - 18 days
- Senior - 10 days
These are the times I've found whilst playing the game but please remember this is just a guide and it may be shorter or longer for you if your Sim completes more or less actions than mine.
I don't want my Sims to age! Can I stop it?
Well, you can either not do the quest or use orbs.
When you use orbs, the length of time you can pause the age will depend on which orb you use.
- Bronze orbs - 3 days
- Silver orbs - 7 days
- Gold orbs - 16 days
- Platinum orbs - completely paused
To pause aging go into the AGE CONTROL menu and click on the pause button of the Sim you want to pause their age.
Once you have done that you can allocate orbs you have earned to them. The orb pause time does stack so, for example, if you had 4 bronze orbs like I do in this picture you can give them all to one Sim which would pause their aging for 12 days (4 bronze orbs at 3 days each, 4x3=12 days)
You keep going on about orbs, what are they and how do I get them?
Orbs are what you receive when you fulfil a Sims life dream. During the Life Dreams & Legacies quest you gain your first orb when a senior Sim sadly passes away.
The process is relatively simple once you start.
From now on you can choose a personality for your Sim ,either at birth or anytime during their life. You can choose from Geeky, Animal fanatic, Entertainer or Sporty. These personalities are the 4 different types of orbs as well.
You choose a life dream for your Sim and you need to complete this life dream to get an orb. Completing their life dream simply means completing the actions they want to do until a bar reaches 100% You have to get to 100% before your Sim dies otherwise you won't get an orb. If your Sim dies trying to get a bronze orb they will leave no orb behind. If you fill up their life dream to 100% you will get a bronze orb which you can then pass onto another Sim. A Sim with a bronze orb will work towards gaining a silver orb in their life dream, a Sim with a silver will work towards a gold and a Sim with a gold towards a platinum.
So, if you're Sim dies whilst trying to get a platinum orb the orb they will leave behind will be the gold they started with.
You don't have to pass on an orb to another Sim - you can build four new buildings on Mystery Island if you want.
- Sporty orbs build the beach
- Geeky orbs build the arcade
- Entertainer orbs build the carnival
- Animal Fanatic orbs build the pet park
Orbs can also be sold. If you place them in your inventory you can sell them from there. There are a fantastic way of making some money if you have spare ones although I wouldn't recommend selling them in the beginning as you'll probably want them for the new buildings and for working up to platinum. If you do want to sell them these are the selling prices.
- Platinum - S300,000
- Gold - S180,000
- Silver - S90,000
- Bronze - S40,000
Orb Hints
- Orbs can't be passed on until a Sim has died.
- You can pass orbs onto Sims created before you completed the quest through the wardrobe.
- I recommend always picking up orbs in 'buy' mode and placing it in your inventory - you can then choose what you want to do with it.
Hang on! How do my Sims get life dreams?
You need to give them a personality first. This can be done in the wardrobe for any Sims created before you complete the task or at birth for new Sims.
There is a new Life Dreams tab, just click on it and choose their personality.
As you can see I've chosen a Geek personality for this Sim and I have some silver and gold Geeky orbs in my inventory. I gave this Sim a gold geeky orb so that during his life dream he will work towards getting a platinum geeky orb.
You don't have to have any of the orbs to give your Sim to choose that personality. If you want your Sim to be an entertainer but haven't got any entertainer orbs just choose the entertainer personality and your Sim will work towards a bronze entertainer orb during their life dream.
Once you have chosen your Sims personality in the wardrobe, click the Sim tracker and find the new 'Life Dream' tab - it looks like a cloud or a thinking bubble with a star in the middle. Here is where you assign your Sims life dream.
Click choose a life dream and you have three different actions you can complete for your life dream so just pick whichever one you would like to do.
How much does it cost to reverse or advance ageing?
All Sims will age on there own without it costing you anything but for any reason if you would like to reverse or advance their ageing here are the costs before their particular age is completed.
1LP Baby to Toddler 2LP
2LP Toddler to Preteen 4LP
3LP Preteen to Teenager 6LP
5LP Teenager to Adult 8LP
10LP Adult to Senior 18LP
6LP Senior to Death 10LP
Reversing the ageing process will not take you back to the previous age stage (i.e. if your Sim is an adult and about to turn into a Senior by reversing the age process your Sim won't become a teenager but go back to the beginning of being an adult)
Advancing the ageing process will take your Sim to its next life stage (i.e. if your Sim is a toddler and you want it to become a preteen quickly you can pay to turn it into a preteen Sim)
You can still use a birthday cake to advance a Sims life stage. A birthday cake costs 5LP and takes 24 hours to bake so it would only be beneficial to use for teenagers, adults and seniors as it is a cheaper alternative than using the age control.
Once a Sim completes a particular age phase i.e. toddler, adult etc you can still reverse the ageing process but it may cost you more than if your Sim is only part way through that particular age phase depending on what age phase you want to reverse.
Baby 2LP
Toddler 4 LP
Preteen 6LP
Teenager 8LP
Adult 18LP
Senior 10LP
What do I do if I have no orbs but I don’t want my sim to age?
Your Sims timers only go up when they are completing actions so if you don't get your Sim to do anything their timer won't advance. Eventually you will have to fulfil their needs though so pick tasks that take a short time. Also, what's the point of having a Sim that you can't do anything with? I'd strongly suggest getting some orbs and fast!
If you have a particular favourite Sim that you really want to keep you could have them do nothing whilst another Sim works on getting an orb to slow their ageing process down.
One of my sims has just died and all their friends and family members are sad. What can I do about it?
Your Sims need time to grieve for their loved one or reminisce with another Sim. They will be depressed for a few hours though. Come on give them a break - let them grieve!